Plumber Services for Kilmore, Wallan, Broadford, Seymour, Lancefield & surrounds PO Box 564 Kilmore, Victoria 3764
Paragon Plumbing FAQs | Plumbing Service | Gas Appliances Repair | Septic Tank Service | Hot Water Service

Plumbing Service FAQs

Q: Do you service gas appliances?

A: No, unfortunately we can’t help you with this, you would need a specialist appliance repairer for this service.

Q: Can you apply for Septic Tank permits and Water Corporation connections on my behalf?

A: Yes, we can work with you and assist with the application forms for Septic Tank permits and Water Corporation connections.

Q: Can you supply and install Hot Water Service (HWS) units, Septic Tanks, Water Tanks?

A: Yes, we can supply and install all of these.